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Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah Metaphysical Directory Mediums – Psychics - Healers (updated 2024)

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Mediums – Psychics Readers- Psychic Ohio - Healers 

Site updated 01/20/24

Psychics Readers in Ohio

Get an Intuitive & psychic reading today from Derek P. Bliedung for only $25.00 for 15 minutes. He is a psychic reader and has been blessed with the gift to speak to the afterlife.

He is a spiritual teacher & psychic coach. He also offers to coach in the area Law of attraction (The secret), energy healing (reiki) psychic development & Kabbalah.   

Derek is an energy healer in the following areas: Click here to learn more about energy healing and our Rates and Prices.

Reiki Master & Teacher
Power Reiki
Advanced Quantum-Touch
White Light
The Newest Reiki "Reiki Kabbalah"   


Tarot cards reading | Tarot cards reading near me by Nora O'Donnell Wilson an initiative psychic   

Rates for a Tarot reading:

3 tarot 
cards reading (past present future) $10.00. 

5 tarot cards reading $15.00.

10 tarot card Celtic cross reading $25.00

12 Horoscope house reading. $25.00  

Tarot card simple yes and no readings will one dollar for each question.

We service in Columbus, Ohio Call us at 614-268-2235 after 6:00 pm on weekdays and 9:00 am to 9:00 pm on weekends.  

Please check out the YouTube Video series by Pamela Aaralyn Psychic & medium about Channeling Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus)

Click below to see our other friend's Reiki Kabbalah Center Metaphysical Directory. Mediums – Psychics - Healers

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What Should I Expect From A Psychic Reading

When you decide that you want to get a psychic reading you should have an idea of what to expect. Not all readings are alike. If you have never had an experience with a psychic before, you may not know what to expect.

Psychic readings have been in existence for a very long time. Most times life can throw so much at you, that you are left feeling hopeless and discouraged. You have no idea why things are happening a certain way. A psychic can be needed to put some balance into your life. They do this by connecting events in your past, present, and future. By doing this, you get a clearer idea of how best to approach life for the best possible outcomes. Not only can this give you a sense of direction, but you also start to feel better about yourself. If you like this article, please share on Facebook.
If you are considering having a psychic reading done, then finding out what it involves is a good idea so that you are well prepared. It is important to have a healthy skepticism about the psychic and the process. Psychics have varying degrees of ability, skill, and experience just as in any other profession. It is important to do your research to find a legitimate and reputable psychic for you. A very good psychic with real ability and integrity in their work is your best bet.

A vital thing to expect from a psychic reading is what you will get out of the reading. To get the most out of a psychic reading, you have to speak to the psychic about what it is you are hoping to get from it. You don’t have to expect the answers to all your questions in one session. In most cases it can take more than one session for a psychic reading to provide the answers you’re looking for, or sometimes the messages that come out of a session may not seem useful right away but can make sense in the future. Have you ever had a psychic experience, or a psychic reading please tell all of us about it in the comments? 

How exactly the initiative reading will go depends so much on all the varying factors: what type of psychic you visit, what it is you are looking to gain from the reading, and what the psychic can accomplish in one reading. There is no set structure to a psychic reading as each one is different depending on the psychic and the person being read.

Ensure you talk to a psychic before booking your reading to get a better idea of the duration and what you can practically expect the experience and outcomes to be. Psychics like any other profession, have different specific abilities. For example, not all psychics have the ability to speak to the afterlife. This specific skill set would be a medium or a channel. Some psychics have the ability to see visions (clairvoyant) whereas other psychics can hear voices (clairaudient) from the spiritual universe or just know things (Claircognitive). So, when you are ready to book an appointment with a psychic. Just know that not all psychics have the same gifts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. About Psychic Services

Q: What services does Derek P. Bliedung offer?

A: Derek P. Bliedung provides psychic readings for $25.00 (15 minutes), spiritual coaching in Law of Attraction, energy healing (reiki), psychic development, and Kabbalah. He is also an expert in various energy healing modalities.

Q: Can you tell me more about the Tarot card readings by Nora O'Donnell Wilson?

A: Nora O'Donnell Wilson offers various Tarot card reading options, including 3 cards (past, present, future) for $10.00, 5 cards for $15.00, and a 10-card Celtic cross reading for $25.00. Additionally, a 12 Horoscope house reading and simple yes/no Tarot readings are available.

2. Booking and Contact Information

Q: When and how can I book Tarot services in Columbus, Ohio?

A: Tarot services can be booked by calling 614-268-2235 after 6:00 pm on weekdays and 9:00 am to 9:00 pm on weekends.

Q: Where can I find Pamela Aaralyn's video series on Channeling Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus)?

A: The video series by Pamela Aaralyn can be found by clicking on the provided link in the directory.

3. Understanding Psychic Readings

Q: Why should I consider a psychic reading?

A: Psychic readings help connect events in your past, present, and future, providing balance in your life. They offer clarity, and direction, and contribute to improved self-esteem.

Q: What should I expect from a psychic reading?

A: Psychic abilities vary among practitioners. It's crucial to research and find a legitimate and reputable psychic. Communicate your expectations and understand that multiple sessions might be needed for comprehensive insights.

Q: What factors influence the structure of a psychic reading?

A: The type of psychic, your goals, and the psychic's abilities determine the reading structure. Consult with the psychic before booking to understand the experience and potential outcomes.

Q: Do all psychics have the same abilities?

A: No, different psychics possess distinct abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or claircognition. It's essential to choose a psychic based on your specific needs.

Feel free to explore our diverse services and connect with our skilled psychics and readers. If you have additional questions, please contact us during the specified hours.

