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Welcome to Friends of the Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah Metaphysical Directory Mediums – Psychics - Healers

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Mediums – Psychics - Healers

Mickey Stephan is a  "Usui Reiki Master & Teacher" and also a "Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master & Teacher

Tarot: Intuitive Tarot Card Reader, Oracle Card Reader, and Tarrochi Card Reader

 Mickey Stephan


Reiki: I am Certified as a "Usui Reiki Master & Teacher" and also a "Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master & Teacher"

Intuitive Tarot Card Reader, Oracle Card Reader,Tarrochi Card Reader, Psychic Coaching and Psychic Readings.

Tarot: Intuitive Tarot Card Reader, Oracle Card Reader, and Tarrochi Card Reader (Tarrochi is an ancient Italian form of Cartomancy)

Mickey Stephan: Nurturing Healing Energies and Intuitive Insights


Meet Mickey Stephan, a devoted practitioner, and guide in the realms of energy healing and intuitive readings. As a "Usui Reiki Master & Teacher" and "Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master & Teacher," Mickey channels transformative energies to promote holistic well-being.

Reiki Mastery:

Certified in both "Usui Reiki" and "Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki," Mickey is a beacon of healing light. With a mastery that goes beyond conventional boundaries, Mickey empowers individuals on their spiritual journey, offering a nurturing space for self-discovery and healing.

Tarot Mastery:

Mickey's intuitive abilities extend into the realm of divination. As an Intuitive Tarot Card Reader, Oracle Card Reader, and Tarrochi Card Reader (utilizing the ancient Italian form of Cartomancy), Mickey provides insightful readings that go beyond the surface, offering guidance and clarity.

Tarrochi Card Reading:

Delving into the ancient art of Tarrochi Card Reading, Mickey connects with the wisdom embedded in these cards. Rooted in Italian tradition, this form of Cartomancy adds a unique and enriching layer to Mickey's intuitive readings.

Psychic Coaching and Readings:

Beyond energy healing and tarot insights, Mickey offers Psychic Coaching and Readings. With a compassionate approach, Mickey helps individuals tap into their intuitive abilities, navigate life's challenges, and embrace personal growth.


Mickey Stephan's multifaceted expertise as a "Usui Reiki Master & Teacher," "Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master & Teacher," Intuitive Tarot Card Reader, Oracle Card Reader, Tarrochi Card Reader, and Psychic Coach reflects a commitment to holistic well-being and intuitive enlightenment. Embrace the transformative energies and insightful guidance Mickey brings to every session and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Connect with Mickey today to explore the boundless possibilities that await on your spiritual path.

Psychic Coaching and Psychic Readings.  
To make an appointment go click on the here now! 
Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Tarot: Intuitive Tarot Card Reader, Oracle Card Reader, and Tarrochi Card Reader (Tarrochi is an ancient Italian form of Cartomancy),  Psychic Coaching and Psychic Readings
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