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"News Release" Derek Bliedung & Mike Wilson Offers Effective Kabbalah Healing (Updated 2024)

"News  Release" Derek Bliedung & Mike Wilson Offers Effective Kabbalah Healing"

New Release Updated 02-01-2024.

For Immediate Release
Media Contact
Name: Michael L.Wilson & Derek P, Bliedung
Business Name: Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah

Kabbalah Healing 

What is kabbalah and how does it work? 

The Kabbalah healing is good for anyone along any spiritual path, anyone in Kabbalah or wanting the connection with the light. This healing is very heart-centered and penetrates at a core level. It brings you into your true center and connects you with the holly conscious.


Kabbalah Healing

How to learn to bring the spiritual side of religion.

The benefits of faith are often not obvious. Rather, several core messages of religion are counter intuitive. It is a struggle to embrace a religious life, as this life calls us to reject being a slave to our passions, desires and do things "the hard way." But, beyond these lessons, there are even deeper lessons and Kabbalah is a method that was devised to get at this deeper understanding. Try long distance energy healing.

what is Kabbalah Healing?



You can make an appointment call, Chat on Whatsapp us at 614-282-3162
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Please feel free to contact me with any questions, Thank you
Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah 
Michael Wilson & Derek Bliedung
Reiki Master & Teacher

