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Reiki Kabbalah Center Offering Energy Healing During COVID-19


Reiki Kabbalah Center Offering Energy Healing During COVID-19 

Center Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah is wishing everyone is safe and healthy during this time of need.

Center Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah is still open and offering in person (all parties are required to wear masks, have a temperature below 100 degrees and be free of cold or flu symptoms) and remote or distance healing such as Reiki, Reiki Kabbalah, Quantum Touch technique, and White light. We simply don't know if any of these healing will have a direct or indirect effect on COVID-19.

But what we do know is these healing can lower stress, improve the immunity, release both physical and emotional pain, balance out the chakras, and improve our mind, body, and spirit connections. 

We are offering with 10 days of 10 minutes with healing of your choice of Reiki, Quantum Touch technique, and White light or all 3 three for $100.00 performed by Reiki Master Michael L. Wilson or Derek P. Bliedung.

We are offering 20 days of 10 h minutes with healing of your choice of Reiki, Quantum Touch technique, and White light or all 3 three for $170.00 performed by Reiki Master Michael L. Wilson or Derek P. Bliedung.

We are offering 30 days of 10 minutes with the healing of your choice of Reiki, Quantum Touch technique, and White light or all 3 three for $200.00 performed by Reiki Master Michael L. Wilson or Derek P. Bliedung.

These services will be sent through a distance healing. We believe that there is a spiritual worldwide web, and every person living is conne


FAQ: Reiki Kabbalah Center Offering Energy Healing During COVID-19

1. Is Center Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah open during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Yes, we are open and committed to providing healing services to our clients during this challenging time. However, we have implemented safety measures to ensure the well-being of all parties involved. In-person sessions are available, and all participants must wear masks, have a temperature below 100 degrees, and be free of cold or flu symptoms.

2. What types of healing services are offered at Center Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah?

We offer a range of energy healing modalities, including Reiki, Reiki Kabbalah, Quantum Touch technique, and White light healing. These techniques can help alleviate stress, boost immunity, relieve physical and emotional pain, balance chakras, and enhance overall well-being.

3. Can these healing services directly impact COVID-19?

While we cannot guarantee a direct effect on COVID-19, we believe that these healing modalities can support overall health and well-being, which may indirectly contribute to immunity and resilience against illness.

4. What are the pricing options for distance healing sessions?

We offer flexible pricing options for distance healing sessions:

  • 10 days of 10-minute healing sessions: $100.00
  • 20 days of 10-minute healing sessions: $170.00
  • 30 days of 10-minute healing sessions: $200.00

These sessions can include your choice of Reiki, Quantum Touch technique, and White light healing, or a combination of all three. Sessions are performed by Reiki Masters Michael L. Wilson or Derek P. Bliedung.

5. How are distance healing sessions conducted?

Distance healing sessions are sent remotely through the spiritual worldwide web, connecting individuals globally. Each session lasts for 10 minutes and is sent daily over 24 hours to ensure continuous healing support.

6. How can I schedule a distance healing session?

To schedule a distance healing session or inquire further, please contact us via phone at 614-282-3162 (Text or WhatsApp) or 614-268-2235, or email. You can also reach out on Instagram or your preferred social media platform. Let us know in the comments if you're interested in trying distance Reiki healing.


At Center Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah, we remain dedicated to providing healing support to our clients, even amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our distance healing services offer a convenient and effective way to access healing energy from the comfort of your own home. Contact us today to start your healing journey or to learn more about our services. Thank you for your trust and support.

With warm regards, Michael Wilson & Derek Bliedung Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah

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