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Why does our society follow the blind false prophet? (Updated 2024)

Spirituality Lightworker the light healing society 

Spiritually blind
Article updated 3-28-2024.
I started the “awakening process approximately from 2009 to 2011. I embraced the path to enlightenment very seriously in my quest for knowledge and understanding.

Beware of Man's Ego

Our unawakened society has been a very sore spot for me ever since I was released to the truth of the existence of the higher power or spiritual universe. I too was once like our society: full of anger and negativity.

I had to learn to embrace the love (and light) of GOD and shed myself of the anger and negativity (an ongoing process).


spirtual awakaning

I bit my own tongue many times so as not to speak out. I feel now is the time to speak out!

Unlike society: I will not “burn the city down” or have an active protest in the streets. I am a “quiet revolutionary”. I have some of the most powerful tools in the history of man. Yes: we have the internet and social media

Why is protesting in the streets outdated in today's society?  

We don't need to protest in the streets in this day and age. For me: the issue is that people in our society are so unbalanced physically: mentally: emotionally: and spiritually. 

Where is all this hatred, anger, and negativity coming from?

I feel this is the cause of hatred, anger, and negativity! Society has blamed all its problems on a minority in our society. It was the “foreigners” taking our jobs (as a fine example)! Once in our history Western Europeans (here in the United States) were considered “the damn foreigners” stealing our jobs (and were most likely hated for this “fact”). I know history teaches us that Hebrews and African Americans have been former slaves. The real truth is (the fact that is not a known fact) that all humans are in fact genetically altered from the apes by aliens. 

The human race: We all have been used and bread to be slave labor

We have been used and bread to be slave labor. If you listen to science, they even state that humans had a “quantum leap” in our development (which even “science” can't explain). The very fact is that natural selection takes a much longer time than the time humans went from apes to Homo sapiens. I know it is crazy for some to believe that “little green men from outer space” helped us along in our evolution. This was told to me by my spiritual teacher (who came to her in a vision). Trust me: I am not a UFO or alien person: I am a “spiritual person”. But it is human nature to suppress others in order to EXALT or place yourself up (once again this is the human ego).


Why is the "I think" demonstrating lake of knowledge?  

Our society thinks it knows all. The main word here is “thinks”. “I think” does not mean “I know”. This is why I call our society a blind false prophet” (It thinks it's all-knowing). In fact: it knows less than one-tenth of what it thinks it knows. As for me: I don't know all. 

Spirit has the ultimate knowledge, not humanity

I have been told things by spirit that at the time were impossible for me to know (or even be able to forecast) at that time in my life. To me: it is the universe that is the true prophet. So many follow the so-called “church” (and other “religious” organizations) they can't begin to understand the kingdom of GOD” with only faith. The kingdom of GOD is a “spiritual” experience and can't be learned just from reading any “holy” book.

How can a blind person know what an elephant looks like? They can't see it! Just like an UNAWAKENED person can't understand what it means to walk in the light of “GOD”. The “blind” will tell us we are wrong! We are not wrong: we are the ones that GOD has hand-selected to walk in the light. 

What member of our society that is best qualified to be the clergy

What would make a better member of the clergy: a person who only has faith? Or the mystical counterpart that has lifted the veil between our 3rd dimension and the spiritual universe? Who is more correct: “they think I know” or “I know”? I was sent this email that has a quote from Confucius (only after I had completed a rough draft of this article). 

This is what a smart person tells us about know-it-all! 

“To know what you know and know what you don't know is true knowledge”. ~ Confucius. Socrates says: “I know only one thing: that I know nothing". “The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing” This classic quote by Socrates means that only a person who thinks that he knows nothing will try to achieve knowledge from anyone and everyone he comes across in life then that person might be a king or a beggar. I have to set back and say “Wow”! Confucius and Socrates say the same thing I am saying. It is ok if I don't know everything. We are in the 3rd dimension: we are here to learn.

To me, the “think” is a byproduct of ego. If you have read any of my other articles: I have learned from Yeshua (Jesus) that the ego of man is the “mark of the beast”. To a spiritualist or lightworker, this is a very bad thing. We try to tame our ego and not let our ego control us. We don't want to embrace the “devil” or “evil” (ego). Our society not only embraces the ego: but it thinks there is a good thing. And then we wonder why our society is so messed up.


Why is the love of money so dangerous? 

One of the issues our society suffers from is that the “old mighty dollar is the king” (even if it means hurting other members of society). Let us take big pharmaceutical companies for example: instead of using a natural/herbal formulation, they decided to make artificial synthetic products. Sure, it helps one thing: but in return makes other functions of your body not function correctly.  So: now you need more prescriptions to fix these new issues.

Great for big business (but not for you)! They mess with your food as well (which is making us sick). So: you need more drugs to fix this new issue as well. What should you be doing?

What are the benefits to our body to eat healthier and non-GMO & organic?

You should try to eat organic and non-GMO foods (at least this food will not make you sick). An alternative to drugs is using herbs, natural vitamins, and minerals. There are Herbologists, naturopaths, and Chinese doctors who practice Chinese medicine (as an alternative to medical doctors). Don't forget that there is a wide range of alternative healers out there in addition to what is spoken here today. If you like this article share it on Instagram or your favorite social media platform.

Some may think I'm a socialist because I am talking negatively about the capitalist system. There is nothing wrong with making an honest profit. However, I do have an issue! If we need to hurt others in the process: for what end to gain? 

Just to make a few extra dollars in “profit” (monetary gain)? This is just pure and unsaturated greed! Greed is ego: and ego is the mark of the beast: and it is the devil or evil!

Many people called Jesus a socialist. I think this is incorrect. First of all: extreme socialists are atheists: (They don't believe in God, Higher Power, Spirit, or Universe). 

What are the different types of socialism? 

I believe there is a difference between a “spiritual” socialist and a “political” socialist. The fact: as you move closer to the light of GOD (enlightenment) you become less fascinated with materialism. You “know” (not just “think” you know) that there is more to living life than: how big is your bank account: job title: how big and fancy is the car you drive: and how big is your house, etc? You have a new perspective/rationalization: that GOD is a real and tangible “spiritual” reality: and you have a “higher” path to lead you to greatness.

On the other hand: there are followers of the “blind false prophet”. They have in their minds that “they have a direct connection to divine intelligence and know everything”: You can't tell them anything because they just “know” everything. I jokingly say that these are the types that: act like GOD himself will consult with them first. GOD or Yeshua) would not consult with such blind fools.

Why is our society acting so illogical and irrational at times?

My opinion is the reasons why our society is acting so illogical and irrationally at times is because they are unbalanced and full of hatred, anger, negativity, and fear. 

What are the steps that society needs to take?  

The first step: re-balance our society to improve the quality of our diet and add physical exercise.

The second step would be to add medication and if needed herbs.

The third step would be: to bring the light of GOD into your life.

You can also get Reiki healing or acupuncture treatments that would greatly help to improve our ill society's overall health. In the comments tell us what do you think about the false blind prophet?



Check out our other article:  Helping all of us living greener, cleaner, healthier, and lives without toxic chemicals

FAQ: Spirituality Lightworker - The Light Healing Society

Q: What is the "awakening" process, and when did it begin for you?

A: The awakening process refers to an individual's journey towards enlightenment and understanding of higher spiritual truths. For me, it started roughly between 2009 and 2011, where I earnestly embarked on the path of seeking knowledge and enlightenment.

Q: Why do you caution against the influence of man's ego?

A: Man's ego can lead to negative attitudes such as anger and hostility, which hinder spiritual growth. It's essential to shed ego-driven negativity and embrace love and light to progress on the spiritual path.

Q: Why do you believe protesting in the streets is outdated?

A: Protesting in the streets isn't as effective in today's society, where imbalance exists in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. To address societal issues, we must focus on holistic healing rather than external demonstrations.

Q: What is the origin of societal negativity, according to your perspective?

A: Society's negativity stems from a history of oppression and exploitation, where humans have been manipulated and used as slave labor. This suppression has perpetuated hatred and anger, leading to societal discord.

Q: Why is spiritual knowledge superior to human understanding?

A: Spiritual knowledge transcends human limitations and offers insights impossible to attain through mere intellect. It's akin to describing colors to someone who's never seen them—an experience beyond comprehension without spiritual awakening.

Q: Who is better suited to serve as clergy: those with faith or those with spiritual insight?

A: Individuals who have transcended the veil between the physical and spiritual realms possess deeper insights into divine truths. They offer a more profound understanding of spiritual principles, surpassing mere faith.

Q: Why is the pursuit of material wealth dangerous?

A: The relentless pursuit of wealth often leads to greed, which is rooted in ego and fosters societal imbalance. Materialism detracts from spiritual growth and can cause harm to oneself and others.

Q: How can society achieve balance and healing?

A: Society must prioritize holistic well-being by improving diet, incorporating physical activity, embracing spiritual practices, and seeking alternative healing modalities such as Reiki and acupuncture.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, Thank you
Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah 
Michael Wilson & Derek Bliedung
Reiki Master & Teacher

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