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Benefits of Reiki Therapy


Benefits of Reiki Therapy

Health Benefits of Reiki

Health Benefits of Reiki

Reiki is said to harness the universal energy known as ki in Japanese which is also pronounced "chi." in Chinese the tai chi workout uses a similar energy.

The body is said to be permeated by this energy. Although this energy cannot be measured using current scientific methods, according to reiki specialists, many people who tune into it may feel it.

Reiki is said to promote emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, relaxation, and the body's natural healing processes. However, no research has definitively demonstrated that this is the case.

Anecdotal data indicates that it may provide profound relaxation, aid in coping with challenges, lessen emotional tension, and enhance general well-being.

The following ailments have been helped with Reiki:

Relieves discomfort, stress, and exhaustion

 may help to lessen pain and anxiety, according to a review of randomized trials by Trusted Source, but further study is required. Additionally, it could diminish tiredness.

2015 research, according to Trusted Source, cancer patients who got remote Reiki in addition to conventional medical treatment experienced less discomfort, worry, and exhaustion. These levels were noticeably lower than the control group, which solely got medical treatment. For five days, participants received 30-minute remote reiki treatments.

In a different 2015 study, researchers investigated the impact of Reiki on post-cesarean delivery women. They discovered that, in women who received Reiki 1-2 days following cesarean delivery, it significantly decreased pain, anxiety, and breathing rate. There was also a decrease in the quantity and necessity of analgesic pain relievers. Blood pressure and heart rate were unaffected by Reiki.

2018 research Reiki is likened to physiotherapy by a dependable source for treating herniated disk-related lower back pain. Both pain relief methods were found to be equally effective, although Reiki was more economical and produced quicker results in some situations.

Relieves discomfort, stress, and exhaustion

Improves Sleep and Mood

Harvard Medical School researchers monitored 99 individuals throughout many visits to ascertain the results of a single reiki session. The study, a single-arm efficacy trial, demonstrated statistically significant improvements in the symptoms of anxiety and sadness, pain, and nausea. It was published in 2019 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Further studies indicate that Reiki is beneficial for treating depression and sleeplessness. In 2012 research published in the Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 40 women with depression and anxiety were examined. Half of the group underwent twice-weekly reiki treatments for ten weeks while the other half received no care. Both depressive symptoms and sleep quality significantly improved for the women who got Reiki.

A therapeutic strategy that includes reiki sessions may be utilized to lessen depression. Researchers examined the effects of Reiki on elderly persons who were suffering from pain, despair, or anxiety in a short study from 2010. The individuals said their physical symptoms, emotions, and general well-being had improved. Additionally, they reported greater levels of self-care, increased interest, and calmness.

Raises the standard of living

Reiki has several advantages that can improve your general well-being. In a tiny 2016 study, researchers discovered that Reiki effectively enhanced the quality of life for cancer-stricken women. Women who received Reiki demonstrated changes in their depression levels, sleep habits, and self-confidence. They noticed a feeling of serenity, relaxation, and inner peace.

Facilitates relaxation

The relaxation reaction, which practitioners claim activates the body's natural healing mechanism, is the focus of the most extensively researched advantages of Reiki.

Yale School of Medicine professor of medicine Dr. Rachel Lampert and her team examined thirty-seven heart attack survivors. The patients were divided randomly into three groups: those who did nothing but rest, those who had a single reiki session from a nurse who had obtained training in Reiki, and those who listened to calming music. The researchers assessed the autonomic nerve system (ANS), which controls heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and digestion.

Lampert's team focused on heart rate variability (HRV), a measurement of the ANS-regulated pulse rhythm. According to Lampert, the patient's prognosis is better the more significant the HRV is after a heart attack.

Patients who got Reiki in the Yale trial showed improved emotional states and a greater HRV. Lampert states, "Our study was a very nice demonstration that relaxing activities have benefits." "We demonstrated elevated activity of the healthy nervous system arm."

Facilitates relaxation

Improves mood

Reiki can help you feel better by easing depression and anxiety. Results from a 2011 study showed that those who received Reiki saw more significant advantages to their mood than those who did not. The research subjects who attended six 30-minute sessions spread out over two to eight weeks had mood benefits.

It might help with some diseases and symptoms

Reiki can also be utilized to treat:

  • tension

  • headache

  • insomnia

  • nausea

Reiki's ability to induce calm may help with these symptoms. However, a specialized study is required to ascertain the effectiveness of Reiki for the therapy of specific symptoms and illnesses.

Reiki Risks and Side Effects

Due to the noninvasive nature of Reiki, several studies have shown no adverse effects. Practitioners observe that while most clients feel peaceful following a session, others say they feel energized. According to Newton, some clients may also have more powerful emotions or other extreme experiences in the days or weeks following a session, depending on the severity of the problem.

Although reiki practitioners are subject to a professional code of ethics, there are no licensing bodies like there are for physicians, nurses, or even hair stylists. Although "master" is the most significant degree of training for Reiki, practitioners have a wide variety of training and experience. Practitioners urge customers to conduct research, question a practitioner about their qualifications and credentials, and choose someone they connect with and trust to achieve the most significant outcome.

One possible concern is that Clients have the wrong idea about what part reiki should play in a treatment plan. The code of ethics of the Reiki Alliance, a reputable organization for reiki practitioners, makes it very apparent that reiki practitioners support rather than replace the medical treatment a patient gets. Additionally, the practice of Reiki does not cast doubt on many medical procedures and interventions. The use of Reiki as a replacement for medical professionals, surgery, therapy, or prescription drugs is severely discouraged.

Additionally, clients should be informed that while Reiki, like yoga or meditation, may have its roots in ancient spiritual practices, it is not a religion today. Clients and practitioners hail from a diverse range of backgrounds and worldviews. Reiki treatments are not meant to contradict or alter a client's spiritual or religious views.

self healing

Benefits of Reiki Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the health benefits of Reiki?

  • Reiki is believed to harness the universal energy known as ki in Japanese, also pronounced "chi" in Chinese, similar to the energy utilized in tai chi workouts. This energy is said to permeate the body, and although it cannot be measured using current scientific methods, many people who practice Reiki claim they can feel it. Reiki is said to promote emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, relaxation, and the body's natural healing processes. While no research has definitively proven these benefits, anecdotal evidence suggests that Reiki may provide profound relaxation, help with coping challenges, reduce emotional tension, and enhance overall well-being.

How does Reiki help with discomfort, stress, and exhaustion?

Reiki may help to lessen pain and anxiety, according to several studies. For instance, a 2015 review found that cancer patients who received remote Reiki in addition to conventional medical treatment experienced less discomfort, worry, and exhaustion than those who only received medical treatment. Similarly, another 2015 study discovered that women who received Reiki after cesarean delivery experienced significant reductions in pain, anxiety, and breathing rate. Reiki has also been compared to physiotherapy for treating herniated disk-related lower back pain, showing similar effectiveness but often at a lower cost and with quicker results in some cases.

Can Reiki improve sleep and mood?

Yes, Reiki can improve sleep and mood. Researchers from Harvard Medical School monitored individuals and found significant improvements in anxiety, depression, pain, and nausea after Reiki sessions. Another study published in the Indian Journal of Positive Psychology in 2012 showed significant improvements in depressive symptoms and sleep quality among women who received Reiki treatments twice a week for ten weeks. Additionally, Reiki has been found to benefit elderly individuals suffering from pain, depression, or anxiety, improving their physical symptoms, emotions, and overall well-being.

How does Reiki raise the standard of living?

Reiki has several advantages that can enhance general well-being. A 2016 study found that Reiki effectively improved the quality of life for women with cancer, resulting in better depression levels, sleep habits, and self-confidence. Participants reported feelings of serenity, relaxation, and inner peace.

How does Reiki facilitate relaxation?

The relaxation response is one of the most extensively researched benefits of Reiki, believed to activate the body's natural healing mechanism. A study conducted by Dr. Rachel Lampert and her team at Yale School of Medicine found that heart attack survivors who received Reiki showed improved emotional states and greater heart rate variability (HRV), which indicates a better prognosis after a heart attack. Reiki was shown to elevate activity in the healthy nervous system, demonstrating the benefits of relaxation activities.

Can Reiki improve mood?

Yes, Reiki can improve mood by easing depression and anxiety. A 2011 study showed that individuals who received Reiki experienced significant mood improvements compared to those who did not. Participants who attended six 30-minute Reiki sessions over two to eight weeks reported better mood benefits.

Can Reiki help with specific diseases and symptoms?

Reiki can be used to treat tension, headaches, insomnia, and nausea. While Reiki's ability to induce calm may help with these symptoms, specialized research is required to ascertain its effectiveness for treating specific symptoms and illnesses.

Are there any risks or side effects of Reiki?

Due to the noninvasive nature of Reiki, studies have shown no adverse effects. Most clients feel peaceful after a session, although some may feel energized. Depending on the severity of the issue, some clients may experience stronger emotions or other significant experiences in the days or weeks following a session.

What should clients consider when choosing a Reiki practitioner?

Reiki practitioners follow a professional code of ethics, but there are no licensing bodies for Reiki like those for physicians or nurses. Practitioners have varying levels of training and experience, so clients should research practitioners, inquire about their qualifications, and choose someone they trust. Reiki is meant to support, not replace, medical treatment, and does not cast doubt on medical procedures. Clients should understand that Reiki while having roots in ancient spiritual practices, is not a religion and does not aim to alter a client's spiritual or religious beliefs.
